We're excited to have you with us.
I was told when I started this journey that it was almost impossible for independents to win. The skeptics were right -- this time. The two parties have voters scared. No one is happy with congress but we always elect the same people—the most extreme ones the parties pick to drive wedges between us so parties can stay in power. And sadly their tactic has worked.
While I did not win, I continue to be passionate about helping our politics become more civil, constructive, and effective. We need to fix our broken system—candidates dedicated to values that don’t have to please the power-hungry party bosses. I’m the father of six, a husband, and a Missourian who loves this state and is willing to fight with civility and constructive debate.
The only place for independents to build a large enough voter base is to naturally cater to the middle. They inherently steer away from extreme positions and focus on pragmatic and balanced solutions to appeal to a broad spectrum of voters.
When not bound by partisan politics, independents can prioritize effective governance over party loyalty to drive positive change more effectively. Independents also often serve as crucial holdouts on Senate bills, forcing legislation to cater to their demands and ensuring that the final measures are more balanced, inclusive, and deliver value for the citizens they represent.
Independents are free from mandatory party fundraising. I can focus my efforts on addressing the issues that matter most to Missourians rather than meeting party quotas. This independence ensures that my campaign is driven by genuine support from voters, not special interest groups.
Statewide polling in 2024 specifically for the U.S. Senate race in Missouri said that 7 of every 10 Missourians are willing to vote for an independent candidate. That means there are millions of people like you in Missouri that are exhausted with the way things are, and they are already willing to cast their vote to change that.
In 2024, 43% of Missourians didn't affiliate with either of the major parties. In a three-way race against the Republican and Democrat, we would only need 34% of the votes to win. That means we don’t need to convince the hardliners. I’m didn't run to make a statement. I ran to win. You, the voters, must decide to vote differently.
Elections today feel like you’re voting against the politician you dislike the most rather than a candidate you trust. That’s because candidates have to appease the most extremes on each side, leaving the exhausted majority in the middle unhappy. But the best candidates don’t have to please national party agendas or extremists. They can just be there self.
I’ve got the guts to stand up to extremist bullies. But I’ve proven I can do it with respect, the way it used to be done.
I deeply love this state. I gave up a lucrative career in the fast lane to come to the fresh air and better life balance of Missouri.
Christine and I have 6 amazing kids. We practice every day how to get along through our beliefs, our values, and determination.
I never imagined I would have done this. It’s certainly wasn't the easiest thing for me, but my wife and I felt deeply we needed to take this path.
I’ve spent my career as a businessman and years of living abroad in Europe and the Middle East learning to appreciate the power of diversity.
I’ve got the guts to stand up to extremist bullies. But I’ve proven I can do it with respect, the way it used to be done.
I deeply love this state. I gave up a lucrative career in the fast lane to come to the fresh air and better life balance of Missouri.
Christine and I have 6 amazing kids. We practice every day how to get along through our beliefs, our values, and determination.
I never imagined I would be doing this. It’s certainly not the easiest thing for me, but my wife and I feel deeply we can and must take this path.
I’ve spent my career as a businessman and years of living abroad in Europe and the Middle East learning to appreciate the power of diversity.
We launched two bold initiatives where we highlight what everyone already knows -- the two-party system is broken
VolunteerMy team and I have traveled all over Missouri getting to know so many. Here are some questions we often get as we share our message.
No, voting independent supports a move away from divisive partisan politics. It signals a demand for change and representation that prioritizes practical solutions over party loyalty. Even if I'm not elected, a significant turn out for independents can temper both political parties in Missouri to cater more to the middle.
Additionally, even if I only get 2% of the vote, it means all independent Better Party candidates automatically qualify for the ballots in the future, without needing the expensive process of collecting signatures.
Not necessarily. My candidacy offers a viable alternative for voters disillusioned with both major parties. By attracting moderate voters, we can disrupt the status quo and promote a more balanced and effective government. My campaign appeals to both Republicans and Democrats, not necessarily more from one than the other.
As an independent, I will work to form coalitions and alliances with other senators to gain committee assignments. My focus will be on collaborating with those who share common goals, regardless of party affiliation. History has shown that Independents, and other senators who are hold outs on votes, have significantly more influence in congress than politicians who tow the party line.
The Better Party is designed entirely to support independent candidates who share common principles. It’s not a traditional party but a mechanism to provide resources and support to those who want to run outside the major parties.
We secured our ballot position by submitting over 25,000 signatures to the Missouri Secretary of State, which exceeded the required amount. We achieved this through professional signature gatherers and focused efforts in areas with high foot traffic.
I'm motivated by my frustration with divisive politics and my desire to represent independent and moderate views. I aim to bring a more collaborative and less polarized approach to governance to better make progress on the most important issues facing Americans.
Ah, now we’re getting to the important stuff! My go-to karaoke song is “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey. It’s a classic crowd-pleaser, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t love belting out “Hold on to that feeeeling” at the top of their lungs? Plus, it’s a great reminder to keep the faith, no matter how tough the political landscape gets.
In the past, I have voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates, depending on the issues and the candidates’ positions. My focus has always been on supporting the best solutions and the most qualified individuals, rather than strict party loyalty. This experience has driven my commitment to providing a viable independent option through the Better Party.
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